13: It really did matter | I Don’t Got This

I Don't Got This Podcast Cover Image

One day at a time.

I DON’T GOT THIS: Adventures in Schizophrenia and Alcoholism by Emily Journey

Available in paperback and ebook editions through booksellers everywhere.


Thank you Maggie Frank-Hsu for your commitment and unflagging enthusiasm for this project. This book would not have been written without your artful mastery of the writing process.

To Adam Knolls for witnessing my process, reflecting with me, and making space for my voice. You are in this book even though you are not in this book.

To Michelle Neubauer for showing up for me without fail like the sister I had always wished for.

To Roy and Eloise Tefertiller for saying yes and accepting me as family.

To librarians for introducing me to new worlds and bringing me hope for my future.

To Fred Rogers for singing and talking to me when I was lonely.

To the cast of Sesame Street 1973 to 1978 for singing with me and showing me examples of support and friendship.

To my friends for helping me understand what it means to be a friend by example.

Everyone who has been my family past and present.

To the team at Vital Companies: Fred Blitzer, Lillian Clifton, and Jason Clayton for their support producing this podcast.

Welcome to WebDev Success. I’m Emily Journey and this podcast is where I take a hard look at the challenges facing the website development industry. Learn how to attract loyal customers, how to raise your prices with confidence, and take steps to craft the work life you’ve always wanted. Subscribe, listen in and develop brilliantly.

Further reading

Web developer working at table

Hi, I’m Emily Journey. I founded and lead a website consulting agency with six coworkers. This blog is where I write about the things I’ve learned at my real job.
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