Do GMOs Cause Cancer?

A lot of people have domains and they will tell you all of the horrible things that genetically engineered crops will do, and on the other hand, there is peer-reviewed literature being produced by academic, government, or industry scientists and tested again by independent groups. So when you see independent reproducibility around certain claims, you can then start to put some stock into them. That’s why episode 04 of GMO Watch is about the history and misinformation on GMOs!

In this episode of GMO Watch  Podcast, my guest, Dr. Kevin Folta is sharing the importance of understanding what is a reliable source when it comes to claims surrounding GMOs and actionable steps you can take right now to educate yourself by finding trustworthy sources to base your opinions off of. Some of the talking points Dr. Kevin Folta and I go over in this episode include:

  • Where you can find reliable and trustworthy sources for information on GMOs.
  • Breaking down the biggest claims against GMOs; how vague claims relate to hysteria.
  • Do GMOs cause cancer? The hype and research behind this claim.
  • The repercussions that false claims against GMOs have on the world and societies that rely heavily on genetically modified crops.
  • Dr. Kevin Folta’s own experience with anti-GMO activists.
  • Touching again on food labels and how this might affect buyers’ choices.

More than ever we can’t trust so much of what we read online and it’s just become fairly normal to not believe stuff and the majority with common sense just aren’t the loudest. So be sure to tune in to all the episodes to discuss tons of questions around GMOs and to hear even more about the points outlined above.

Thank you for listening!

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GMO Watch


Talking Biotech Podcast

Illumination 2.0 Blog


Science Facts and Fallacies Podcast

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Hi, I’m Emily Journey. I founded and lead a website consulting agency with six coworkers. This blog is where I write about the things I’ve learned at my real job.
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